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Supporting Maine Lobstermen

Reps. Pingree, Wittman introduce bipartisan legislation to protect working waterfronts

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Representatives Chellie Pingree (ME-01) and Rob Wittman (VA-01) are introducing bipartisan legislation today to protect the kind of waterfront access and infrastructure that many businesses—and thousands of jobs—depend on in Maine, Virginia, and in communities all over the country.   “The importance of Maine’s coastline to our state’s economy…

Maine Delegation ask top Obama Administration officials to protect European imports of Maine lobsters

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Tells Secretary of State, U.S. Trade Representative and head of NOAA that import ban isn't warranted Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and Representatives Chellie Pingree and Bruce Poliquin joined together today to ask three top Obama Administration officials to resist Swedish efforts to ban the import of live Maine lobsters into the European Union.  In a letter to…

Pingree, Poliquin to testify at hearing for bill to protect sea urchin and sea cucumber industries

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Representatives Chellie Pingree and Bruce Poliquin will testify at a hearing of the House Natural Resources Committee tomorrow in support of a bill that would exempt sea urchins and sea cucumbers from federal inspection when they are imported to or exported from the United States.   Sea urchins and sea cucumbers, harvested in the Gulf of Maine, have a shelf life of seven days and…

Keating, Pingree, Moulton secure appropriations commitment for at-sea observer coverage

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Yesterday, Reps. Bill Keating (MA-09) and Chellie Pingree (ME-01) engaged in a discussion with Rep. John Culberson (TX-07), Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, on the House floor.  They talked about the importance of addressing the challenges facing the Northeast multispecies fishery sector management program with respect to…

Republican proposal up today would eliminate Downeaster

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Ryan budget would end funding for popular Amtrak service in Maine Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said that a Republican budget proposal up for a vote in the House today would eliminate federal funding for the popular Downeaster train service between Brunswick and Boston. "There is a lot I don't like about the Ryan budget and this is just one example of how it would cut programs…

Statement on President Obama's budget

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree issued the following statement on President Obama's fiscal year 2015 budget, released today: The President has proposed a budget that has the right priorities—tax breaks for working families trying to get ahead to help them pay for college, daycare and save for retirement. And at the same time it closes unfair tax breaks for the wealthy and tax…

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