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Congresswoman Pingree to vote for bipartisan bill to fund government through September

Bill will avoid another shutdown and support important programs in Maine, like fisheries disaster funding and continued work at Bath Iron Works

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said today she will vote for a bipartisan bill to fund the federal government through the end of September. The compromise bill, the product of bipartisan House and Senate negotiations over the last few weeks, was released late last night. The House and Senate are expected to vote on the bill beginning tomorrow.

"This bill is a result of Democrats and Republicans working together and when it comes up for a vote tomorrow it will take Democrats and Republicans voting together to pass it," Pingree said. "Frankly we could get a lot more done if Congressional leaders would just allow bipartisan bills like this one to come up for a vote."

"This bill is far from perfect but it keeps the government operating and avoids another manufactured shutdown crisis that does nothing but harm to the economy," Pingree said.

Pingree, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, said the "omnibus" spending bill includes funding for key programs that will benefit Maine, including:

· $100 million to build a DDG-51 destroyer at Bath Iron Works. This funding allows allow the Navy to exercise an option to build the last ship in a five-ship contract awarded to BIW. That option had been jeopardized by funding cuts in the sequester.

· $75 million to fund fisheries disaster declarations. Pingree has repeatedly called for funding this disaster declaration, first made in 2012, after severe cuts in groundfish quotas threatened the livelihood of many New England fishing families.

Pingree said the bill also restores some of the cuts to benefits for military retirees, but a separate bill she is sponsoring is still needed.

"This bill undoes cuts to the benefits of military retirees and survivors that were passed last month but we still need to pass legislation to make sure all of these retirees are protected," she said.

Pingree also said the bill will increase funding for low-income families.

"This bill increases support for programs like WIC, the nutrition program for mothers and children, and rent support programs for low-income families in rural areas," she said.

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