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Republican proposal up today would eliminate Downeaster

Ryan budget would end funding for popular Amtrak service in Maine

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said that a Republican budget proposal up for a vote in the House today would eliminate federal funding for the popular Downeaster train service between Brunswick and Boston.

"There is a lot I don't like about the Ryan budget and this is just one example of how it would cut programs that are vital to the economy of a state like Maine," Pingree said. "The Downeaster has been a huge success and brought economic development to Maine, and the Republican response to that is to eliminate the service."

The proposed Republican budget—the Ryan budget—would eliminate funding for 15 long-distance and 28 state-supported routes around the country. The Downeaster Amtrak service is a state-supported route operated by the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority.

Ridership on the Downeaster has been growing constantly in the 12 years it has been in operation and is now over half a million riders per year. During the first year of the Brunswick to Portland service, ridership on that portion of the route exceeded projections by 50%.

Pingree plans to vote against the bill when it comes up for a vote today.

"I'm strongly opposed to the Ryan budget, and not just because it will eliminate the Downeaster," Pingree said. "It also would privatize Medicare, undercut the food stamp program and proposes tax cuts for the rich and big corporations. This budget is bad for Maine and bad for the country."

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