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Press Releases

Memorial Day

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree issued the following statement on Memorial Day:

For well over 200 years, the men and women of our armed forces have served and sacrificed so that we may enjoy peace here at home. They have left their loved onesbehind. They have traveled to faraway lands. Sadly, many of them never returned.

Today we remember the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our country, our values and our freedoms.

But today we should also remember our solemn commitment to the veterans who do come home—a commitment that the nation has not always lived up to. The recent scandals involving cover-ups of wait times at VA hospitals around the country are unacceptable and an insult to the men and women who have sacrificed so much to serve our country. And I pledge to do everything I can to help veterans and the families of those who served get the care and benefits they have earned.

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