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Pingree expects President Obama to address middle class concerns around college affordability, taxes in State of the Union address

Food activist and Top Chef host Tom Colicchio to be Pingree's guest for speech

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said she's looking forward to hearing President Obama talk about issues that matter to average families in his State of the Union address tonight.

"Making college more affordable, giving working families a tax break and asking the rich to pay more of their fair share is something that I think most Americans agree with and I'm looking forward to hearing the President talk about those issues tonight," Pingree said. "Big corporations and wealthy individuals have done pretty well in this economic recovery but average, working families still struggle. It's time to tip the scales a little more in their direction."

Pingree is taking food advocate and Top Chef host Tom Colicchio to the speech tonight. Both Pingree and Colicchio has been active in fighting for changes in the nation's food policy, advocating for more access to local, sustainable food.

"Tom has fought incredibly hard to make sure that working families can put food on the table. He's spoken out against cuts to food stamps and brought a lot of attention to the people in this country who still don't have enough to eat," Pingree said.

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