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VIDEO: On National Walkout Day, Pingree Encourages GOP Leadership to Enact Commonsense Gun Reforms

Today, as thousands of students across the country walked out of school to demand action on gun violence, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) joined other members of Congress for a National Walkout Day demonstration in front of the U.S. Capitol. At the Capitol demonstration, Pingree released a video message to students in Maine who had planned 40 walkouts—many of which were postponed due to Tuesday’s snowstorm—to say their concerns have been heard in Washington. Pingree urged Republican leadership finally take up legislation she’s cosponsored to ban assault weapons and require background checks to purchase firearms. 

On social media, Pingree also shared excerpts from letters she’s received from Maine students who pleaded with Congress to make their schools safe from gun violence.

“It’s critical that we listen to the courageous young people who’ve written to us to say they are terrified that gun violence will come to their school as it did to Parkland, Florida last month. They want Congress to do its job and keep them safe. It shouldn’t take thousands of lost lives or young people walking out of their schools for Republican leaders to pass commonsense gun reforms, but I am hopeful the efforts of these young people will inspire meaningful action from the grassroots to the Speaker’s office,” said Pingree. 
Pingree has been an outspoken advocate for background checks on gun sales, which according to recent polls are supported by 78 percent of gun owners. Pingree has also cosponsored legislation to ban assault weapons, close the gun show loophole, and close the terrorist watch list loophole.

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