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Pingree Statement on Army Reserve, Inspector General Reports on Lewiston Mass Shooting

Maine First District Congresswoman Chellie Pingree today released the following statement in response to the U.S. Army Reserve and U.S. Army Inspector General’s (IG) reports on the mass shooting in Lewiston:

“Our state was forever changed on October 25, 2023. In the time since that tragic day, we have grieved as a community for those who were killed; we have also demanded answers on how and why this happened. While nothing will absolve Robert Card or bring back our neighbors who died that day, we can work to enact change so that we never have to endure tragedy like this ever again. I commend the ongoing work of the state’s Independent Commission to investigate the events leading up to the shooting, and the reports released today by the Army and the Army Inspector General. These reports, requested by the Maine congressional delegation, are important steps forward. I am carefully reviewing both reports and continuing to work with Senators Collins and King and Congressman Golden on urgently pushing the Department of Defense and the Army to follow their recommendations. 

“But let me be clear: Congress must do more to prevent senseless gun violence in this country. Now is the time to make real change. To save lives, Congress must reinstate an assault weapons ban, ban high-capacity magazines, enact universal background checks, require safe gun storage, and end immunity for gun manufacturers.”


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