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Pingree Announces $750K Grant to Support Maine Seafood Industry, Sustainable Jobs

The Gulf of Maine Research Institute was awarded the Economic Development Administration funding to support the Institute’s Gulf of Maine Blue Economy Initiative

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) announced federal funding for the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI). The Economic Development Administration (EDA) awarded GMRI $749,815 for their Gulf of Maine Blue Economy Initiative, which has the goal of developing a collaborative commercialization platform for the marine-related start up sector. GMRI says the result will be enhanced global competitiveness of the Gulf of Maine seafood industry, high quality sustainable jobs, and a new generation of Blue Economy entrepreneurship.

“Between changing ocean conditions due to climate change and supply chain challenges brought on by the pandemic, Maine’s seafood and fishing industries need our support now more than ever. The innovation and collaboration on display at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute through their Blue Economy project will help build a more resilient Maine economy so these industries can not only survive, but thrive in a sustainable way,” said Congresswoman Pingree. “As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I’m proud to have been an advocate for this funding, which I know will make a difference for this important part of our state’s economy.”

This grant was awarded through the EDA’s Build to Scale Program, created through the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 to support technology-based economic development initiatives that accelerate high quality job growth, create more economic opportunities, and support the future of the next generation of industry leading companies.

In April, GMRI was awarded a $749,856 EDA grant to help seafood businesses recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pingree has been a member of the House Appropriations Committee since 2013. In January 2021, she was elected to serve as House Appropriations Committee Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Subcommittee Chair. As Chair Pingree oversees discretionary spending for the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, US Forest Service, and several agencies related to the arts and humanities.


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