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Pingree Applauds Biden Admin for Finalizing Long-Awaited Rule to Create More Fair, Transparent, & Competitive Organic Market

Pingree’s advocacy was integral to reinstating the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards rule, which will enhance animal welfare, bolster consumer confidence, safeguard the integrity of the organic label, and protect organic producers from being unfairly disadvantaged in the marketplace

Longtime organic farmer and member of the House Agriculture Committee Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) today welcomed news from the Biden Administration that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued the final, long-awaited Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards (OLPS) rule to ensure fair, consistent standards across the organic livestock and poultry industry. Pingree, who has championed the reinstation and implementation of the OLPS rule after it was rescinded by the Trump Administration, joined Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack for the rule announcement on Wednesday. After the press conference, Pingree released the following statement:

“This rule is the culmination of decades of public input and extensive economic analysis, and represents landmark federal regulations to set clear, consistent, enforceable, and robust standards for organic livestock, in line with the intent and spirit behind the National Organic Program. It’s been a long wait, but I am pleased the Biden Administration heeded my calls to reinstate this rule. I commend the USDA for working tirelessly to finalize the OLPS rule, which will help ensure consumer confidence in the organic label.”

In 2021, Pingree pushed the USDA to reinstate the organic livestock and poultry rule withdrawn during the Trump Administration, which Pingree strongly condemned. In a 2021 House Agriculture Committee hearing, Pingree questioned Secretary Vilsack on the USDA’s timetable, stressing the importance of meaningful, well-defined standards for organic livestock and poultry. In October 2022, Pingree led 54 Members of Congress in urging Secretary Vilsack to adopt a final rule with a swift implementation period for the outdoor access and density requirements.

Pingree, a longtime organic farmer, is a member of both the House Agriculture Committee and House Appropriations Agriculture Subcommittee and is Co-Chair of the House Organic Caucus. 


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