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Pingree Rejoins House Agriculture Committee, Vows to Fight for Maine Farmers and Rural America

  • AGMaine NH 17

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), a longtime farmer and Agriculture Appropriator, was reappointed by her Democratic colleagues to the House Agriculture Committee today—an assignment that will be vital in supporting Mainers, especially as Congress continues crucial Farm Bill negotiations.

“Being a member of the House Agriculture Committee has been one of my greatest privileges as a Congressperson,” said Pingree, who brings years of experience as an organic farmer to her role on the committee. “We’re at a critical moment in this Committee’s 200-year history. Between the growing threats posed by climate change, the prospect of damaging trade wars with our closest trading partners, and the Trump Administration’s illegal attempt to freeze USDA funds already allocated by Congress, the challenges faced by America’s farmers are unprecedented. I will use my role on the committee to hold the Trump Administration accountable and speak out against any actions that harm farmers and rural communities. I look forward to working with Chairman Thompson, Ranking Member Craig, and colleagues on both sides of the aisle to work on a Farm Bill that gives our farmers and ranchers the tools they need to succeed, enhances access to nutritious, locally-grown food and supports rural Americans across the nation.” 

Since joining Congress in 2009, Pingree has been a strong and steadfast advocate for creating food policies that empower people, strengthen communities, protect consumers, and safeguard our planet. Thanks in large part to Pingree’s leadership, the 2018 Farm Bill more than doubled funding for organic research, created the first federal produce prescription program, and created the Local Agriculture Market Program with permanent federal funding.

After serving on the House Committee on Agriculture from 2009 to 2012, she was appointed to the House Appropriations Committee, where she currently Chairs the Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies. She also sits on the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related agencies. 


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