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Food and Agriculture

Congresswoman Pingree to oppose roll back of school nutrition standards

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Legislation would roll back nutrition standards that have made for healthier school lunches Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said she will oppose efforts in a House bill to roll back nutrition standards for school lunches that are paid for with federal funds. The provision is part of the Agriculture Appropriations Bill that is being debated on the House floor today. “If the…

Maine lobster roll vies for title of best food in nation

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Seaside specialty crushes cheese steak, ham biscuits and boardwalk fries in Congressional Quarterly Roll Call’s Taste of America competition Congresswoman Chellie Pingree announced today that the Maine lobster roll has made the final round of Congressional Quarterly Roll Call’s Taste of America contest, and the polls are currently open for Americans to vote for the…

Pingree opposes roll back of child nutrition standards

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Republicans push through legislation that would allow schools to skip new nutrition standards Congresswoman Chellie Pingree opposed a Republican effort today to roll back new nutrition standards for school lunches. Pingree is a member of the House Appropriations Committee, which today passed a bill that included a provision that would let school districts opt out of the new…

Major new crop insurance program championed by Pingree to be rolled out in 18 states, including Maine

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New program will offer coverage for farmers growing fruits and vegetables and organic growers A major new "whole-farm" insurance program based on a proposal in a bill written by Congresswoman Chellie Pingree was announced yesterday by the Obama Administration. The new program allows diversified farmers who raise a variety of crops access to crop insurance. Since traditional crop…

Funding triples to support local food producers and sellers

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Pingree helped triple funding for Farmers Market Promotion Program Congresswoman Chellie Pingree announced today that the USDA would be awarding $30 million in grants through the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program—triple the amount given out in prior years. The increase is due to Pingree's reforms in the 2014 reauthorization of the Farm Bill. “This is a…

FDA is getting the message on spent grains

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Feds agree using byproduct of beer brewing for animal feed presents minimal risk, agree to change proposed rules Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said today that federal regulators are acknowledging that the centuries-old practice of using the byproduct of beer brewing and distilling as animal feed is safe and should be allowed to continue. Previously the Food and Drug Administration…

Feds warn state to stop rollout of EBT photo identification until further review

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USDA says not doing so brings threats of lawsuits and loss of funding Congresswoman Chellie Pingree today voiced her agreement with concerns raised in a letter the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) sent to the state regarding plans to require ID photos on EBT cards. “The USDA’s letter is another message that adding this burden on families and retailers is not the…

Maine schools to get help buying new kitchen equipment

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Upgrades can help school buy more local, fresh food Chellie sampling the healthy school lunch at Reiche Elementary in Portland. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said today that Maine will be getting $111,000 in federal funding to help schools buy the kind of kitchen equipment they need to produce healthy meals using fresh ingredients. Schools around the…

Maine to get $600,000 to help increase value of crops grown in the state

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Funding up 50% over previous year, thanks to provision Pingree pushed for in the Farm Bill Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said today that Maine will get $600,000 in Specialty Crop Block Grants, a 50% increase over the previous year's funding. Pingree, who serves on the Appropriations Committee that sets funding levels for the US Department of Agriculture, successfully pushed for a…

Chellie calls GMO proposal introduced today "anti-labeling" bill

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Says bill would block states like Maine from requiring labeling of GMO products Congresswoman Chellie Pingree had harsh words for a bill introduced today that she says would effectively block states that want to pass laws requiring that genetically modified (GMO) products are labeled. "This bill is nothing but an attempt by chemical companies like Monsanto and giant food industry…

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