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Jobs and Economic Development

Pingree asks Obama Administration to process visas for guest workers

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree today wrote to Labor Secretary Thomas Perez and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, asking them to work together to find an immediate solution to a problem affecting temporary visas for seasonal workers.  The Department of Labor has stopped processing applications for the H-2B visas in the light of an ongoing federal court…

Statement on President Obama's budget proposal

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree issue the following statement on President Obama's proposed budget, which was released today. "These budget proposals are about priorities and I think President Obama gets the priorities right. I've been opposed to the blanket, across the board sequester cuts from the very beginning and I'm glad he wants to get rid of them. And investing in roads and…

Pingree, Poliquin Push Pentagon to Approve Maine-Made Footwear Purchases

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Representatives Chellie Pingree and Bruce Poliqiuin were joined by a number of their colleagues to push the Department of Defense to streamline the approval process for American-made athletic footwear for U.S. military personnel. At issue is testing of athletic shoes provided to recruits at basic training and procured under the Berry Amendment, a regulation that requires that clothing and…

Opposing bill to rush through Keystone pipeline approval

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree voted against a bill today that would ram through permitting of the controversial Keystone pipeline, bypassing the approval process that is already underway. "I don't think the Keystone pipeline is in the national interest because it would create very few American jobs and do little to address our energy needs," Pingree said. "But this bill doesn't even…

Congresswoman Pingree welcomes federal mediation in Fairpoint strike

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Congresswoman Pingree visits striking Fairpoint workers in October 2014. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree welcomed the news that a federal mediator would supervise negotiations between Fairpoint Communications and unions representing 1,700 striking workers in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. The two sides will meet Sunday in Washington, DC. "This strike has gone on far too long and has…

BIW wins $21 million contract for DDG51 work

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said tonight that Bath Iron Works has won a $21 million deal to extend its work on construction of DDG 51 destroyers. Bath Iron Works is the lead designer of the current run of DDG 51s and the contract will allow them to provide engineering and support work for the "follow" shipyard—the Ingalls Shipyard in Pascogoula, Mississippi. "This is a great…

Maine community to get help from feds to develop and expand local agriculture

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Town of Unity wins competitive 'Local Foods, Local Places' assistance Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said this week that the Town of Unity has been selected as one of just 26 communities from around the country to participate in a federal initiative called Local Foods, Local Places. The town will receive expert technical advice to help develop and highlight the local agricultural…

Pingree votes to extend tax breaks for families, clean energy, small business

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Says last-minute deal "is no way to pass sensible tax policy" Congresswoman Chellie Pingree voted to retroactively extend a number of important tax breaks through the end of 2014. The provisions had expired at the end of last year, and without action by Congress families and small businesses would have lost important tax deductions and credits. "Families and businesses are going to…

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