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Leading veterans groups join call to change benefit standards for survivors of military sexual assault

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree's legislation would make it easier for victims of assault

The Vietnam Veterans of American (VVA) and Service Women's Action Network (SWAN) have joined the call for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to make it easier for survivors of military sexual assault to get benefits. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree has introduced legislation (the Ruth Moore Act) to make those changes, and meanwhile the two groups have filed a petition requiring the VA to change their policy without waiting for the legislation to pass.

"This is all about leveling the playing field so survivors of sexual assault have the same access to benefits that veterans who suffer from combat-related PTSD have," Pingree said. "The petition that VVA and SWAN filed with the VA helps make the case that they should make this policy change without waiting for Congress to act."

Recently the VA agreed to Pingree's request to review claims related to sexual assault that may have been improperly denied, but she has been critical of the way the VA handled the appeals process and said they have done a poor job communicating with veterans about their rights. Resources on the process are available at

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